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2020 - 2021 UFO/NSY/Stash-Buster Challenge

More opportunities to tackle those UFOs (UnFinished Objects) and NYSs (Not Yet Starteds) are in store this year.  And we’ve included a new category, Stash-Busters, to help you dive into that deep wealth of stash that has been begging to be used.


We are offering three paths to tackling these neglected entities.


  1. UFO that you know you want to work on and know how to proceed, but just need a little impetus (like last year)

  2. UFO that has gotten stuck: you knew what you wanted to do, you thought, but now are not so sure or you don’t know quite how to do it, so could use some opinion (and QQ members are always good with those!) or help.

  3. UFO or NYS that needs some serious consideration (aka analysis of why you thought you wanted to do it in the first place but somehow always find an excuse to avoid it).  Here, you would like to present it to the group for opinions on what they might do with it.  In the end, you may decide it is not worth your mental anguish, you can bless it and move on—or perhaps someone else will even take it off your hands, who knows?!


Each month we will get together on Zoom (at least for now) and each participant will have a chance to share (show) what she is working on, plans to work on, or has completed. 


For each completed UFO that you show the group your name (one ticket) will be entered into a UFO bucket.  For each completed NYS you will get at least one ticket, perhaps more depending on how complicated the project is.  Then, for any project in which 25% or more of the project is built from your stash you get one ticket put into the Stash-buster bucket.  If your entire quilt top is from your stash you get 2 tickets!  In May we will have a drawing from each of the 3 buckets (UFO, NYS, Stash-buster) for 3 separate prizes.  We also hope to add fun “challenges” as we go along to increase the chances of you dipping into your stash.


Most of all we want this to be FUN and a great way to get to know other QQ members better, finish some projects and use some of your stash!


UFO Zoom meetings will be on third Tuesday evening of the month, from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m.  Kathryn or Janet will host the meeting and send out the link a few days prior to the meeting.  Please contact them at with any questions and join the UFO meetings at any time during the year! 

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