Quinobequin Quilters Guild

Biennial Benefit Auction
Our next auction will be held Tuesday, April 11, 2023.
Everyone is welcome and admission is free!
Every other year QQ holds a fundraiser to benefit the Guild and the New England Quilt Museum - the only institute in the Northeast solely dedicated to the art and craft of quilting, and the second oldest quilt museum in the United States.
Guild members and friends donate finished quilts and wall hangings, quilt tops, fabric, patterns, books, and other quilt related items. The goods are either bagged for sale at our "Grab & Go" tables or auctioned off by our auctioneers.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
6;00 PM - Doors open for Preview and Grab & Go
7:00 PM - Auction begins
Needham Congregational Church
1154 Great Plain Ave, Needham (on the corner of Linden St)
The pictures below are a few of the items to be sold/auctioned off in 2023.